
Day 95 Whitman Fire department open house

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The Whitman Fire Department will hold a free open house next Monday, Columbus Day, to educate families about fire safety.

The event will come on the heels of National Fire Prevention Week, which began Sunday. Papa Gino’s is sponsoring the Whitman open house, which will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the town’s central fire station, 65 Temple St.

The company will provide pizza for the attendees, who will get “stop, drop and roll” training, learn how to plan an escape route and learn how to crawl safely through a smoke-filled room.

“We feel it’s important for families to learn how to prevent fires and know how to react if a fire does start,” Fire Chief Tim Grenno said. “By teaching kids and their parents in a fun setting, we hope they’ll gain the knowledge they need to help save lives.”

National Fire Prevention Week is sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association, which is headquartered in Quincy.

This year’s campaign is designed to educate people about the importance of smoke alarms, and it encourages people to update and maintain their home smoke alarms.