Day 617 The Mousetrap Play at Hat Trick Theater in Plymouth MA
The Hat Trick Theatre of Plymouth will be performing the  Agatha Christie mystery play  “The Mousetrap” First  Parish Church in Plymouth MA Friday  July 19th through Sunday July 28th
The murder mystery  play starts off with a group of strangers are stranded in a boarding house during a snowstorm, one of whom is a murderer. The suspects include the newly married couple who run the guest house, a spinster with a curious background, an architect who seems better suited to be a chef, a retired Army major, a strange little man who claims his car overturned in a snow drift and a jurist who makes life miserable for everyone. A classic Christie Who Done It
Performances will be held  July 19, 20, 25, 26 & 27 at 8:00pm and July 21 & 28 at 7:00pm
Tickets are $20 each Cabaret seating and complimentary refreshments
For Tickets Call 508-747-6856 or 774-454-3575 or by email at
Downstairs at Kendall Hall, First Parish Church, Town Square, Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360
Make it a night out by going out to eat at one of Plymouth’s great restaurants including Cabby Shack, Iaacs on the waterfront or the East Bay Grille.