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Art Barn is located in Weymouth MA. There is a childcare, preschool and summer camp available.

Art Barn Childcare & Preschool
Art Barn is a magical place for children to grow and develop through full immersion in the worlds of Art and Nature. The goal of Art Barn is to inspire children to become creative, confident thinkers and makers in constant pursuit of knowledge and understanding of their world. Art Barn offers full and part time Child care starting at 20 months as well as drop in days.
Upcoming Open House
Saturday May 19th 12-4pm
Come learn about the Art Barn for both childcare and summer camp
Summer Art Camps
Children are naturally observant and curious. At Art Barn they will learn that those are the most valuable skills an Artist needs. Each day will be filled with several different Art experiences designed to develop children’s Artistic and creative skills. The garden and woods will provide inspiration. Every morning we will explore and document what delights us in our sketch books. We will then move into the Studio and be introduced to new Art mediums and techniques. These exercises are to encourage students to “play”, explore and take risks. Our more formal Art making may include easel painting in the garden, printmaking with leaves or learning to make things out of clay.
On the Friday of each week we will have an Art show. Students will be able to invite their friends and families for the event.
Sessions will be broken into 3 age groups Preschool (3-5), 6-7 and 8-11 (This can be flexible, you know what age group is best for your child.
2018 dates
-Weeks for Preschool – July 9th
-Weeks for ages 5-7 – July 16th, July 30th and Aug 6th
-Weeks for ages 7 and up Aug 13th
Birthday Parties
Art Barn is the perfect place for your birthday! I will provide everything you need. The barn offers a beautiful studio space while the garden, woods and chickens provide inspiration. Most Parties last 11/2 hours. Suitable for ages 3 and up. Parties include:
– An original art project designed with your child’s interests in mind and appropriate for the children attending the party.
– A homemade organic cake, lemonade, candles, plates,table cloths, napkins…

Art Barn is located at 24 King Oak terrace Weymouth