
Boredom Busters Ideas for Elementary School Kids

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Now we are in half way thru week 2 of the  South Shore Boston  school shutdown and have many week to go here are some ideas that you have your elementary school kids do maybe do a one a day!

  1. Super hero Comic Book Writing: Fold paper together and make your own comic book
  2. Write a Song: Rewrite the lyrics to a favorite song and do a tiktok video with  your parents
  3. School Games: Teach your family games that you know from school.
  4. Make a journal jar  with questions I wonder” Journal: Make an “I wonder” journal to collect thoughts. What are all the things you wonder about? Example: “I wonder why moss is so spongy.” “I wonder how plants grow.” “I wonder how concrete is made.”
  5.  Make some Nature art: Using materials found all around the outside of your house, create a piece of art or a self-portrait. Think leaves as hair, moss as eyebrows, rocks as eyes, etc.
  6. Dog Research: Want a dog? Research all the ways to be a good dog  parent, present the information to your parents. Make a brochure, poster or a Power Point.
  7. Make a code: Create your own alphabet code and write some secret notes (example – a is z, b is y, c is x etc.)
  8. Expert Writing: You’re already an expert in something. Write up information on that topic and present it to your family at dinner.
  9. Paper Chain: Make a paper chain of days until you go back to school – write a funny joke or fun fact on each one.
  10. Measure the House: Find the perimeter and area of your backyard/bedroom.
  11. Be a Designer: Using your perimeter and area data, design the perfect backyard/bedroom for yourself.
  12. Survey: Create a survey for your friends and family then graph the results-you can use google forms to do a free one
  13. Do Interviews: Call a relative and interview them. Learn more about your family’s history.
  14. Be an old fashion pen pal
  15. Ask about a Job: Write a letter to someone who has the job you want and ask them questions. Find out what it takes to have that job.
  16. Time Capsule: Build a time capsule to be opened in XX amount of years
  17. Scavenger Hunt: Make a scavenger hunt for your family.
  18. Be an Author: Loved a book? Write the sequel.
  19. Make a Treasure Map: Make a treasure map to buried treasure in your yard or house
  20. Learn a new card game: Learn card games like Rummy, Solitaire, and Hearts.
  21. Build a tower: Make a tower from playing card or Index cards.
  22. Make a Board Game: Design your own board game.
  23. Recycled City: Build a city out of recyclables.
  24. Paper Plane Competition: Research how to build the best paper airplanes and have a competition. Which flies farthest?
  25. Boat Sink or Float: Build your own boat – use paper, LEGOs, etc. – and set it in water. Add 1 penny at a time until it sinks. How many did it hold?

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