Screams and Screens at Barrett’s Haunted Mansion 2020 Abington
Hungry for more? We are also offering a special menu available from the Abington Ale House that will be delivered right to your car!
Safety requirements will still be in place, but with our team and your help, we will continue working hard to keep the Halloween spirit alive.
Tickets are $35 per car, with a maximum of 6 people per car. Large commercial vehicles such as buses, large passenger vans, etc… are not permitted due to space issues. Showtimes begin no earlier than 7:30pm, and doors open for vehicles at 6:30pm each night.
Due to State and Town health and safety requirements, please read through the following rules prior to purchasing your tickets. These are subject to change as State and Town regulations may change. Please see our FAQ page for additional information. NO REFUNDS OF ANY KIND – RAIN OR SHINE
You must follow all staff instructions including directions to move or re-park your vehicle if needed. Staff decision is final. Refusal to cooperate will result in ejection without refund.