
Abington St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2025

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The Abington St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be held this year on Sunday, March 16th  2025     The parade steps off at 1 p.m. from Abington Center. After making its way down Washington Street, the procession will turn right at Adams Street, then right onto North Avenue, and another right at Railroad Street, before ending at the New England Art Building, 10 Railroad St. Bring the kids to this fun weekend event 

They will  have 12+ bands including 5 Bag Pipe Bands. The music will fill the air! Many groups have already signed up to march with us.
Our Grand Marshal has been chosen! If your children went to the Woodsdale School in Abington  then you will know the name “Mr. Russell”. Mike Russell worked at Woodsdale as Head Custodian “entertaining” the students and staff for 20 years. He retired in June of 2024. The kids loved him and I am sure that you will hear a lot of kids yelling to him from the crowds as he goes by on March 16th. Pssst… very quiet but I heard that he also spends time at Island Grove during the Holidays in a red suit saying HO! HO! HO! We are happy to have him join us!
Don’t forget our Meat Raffle scheduled for Sunday, February 23rd 2:00-4:00 pm at the Depot Restaurant. A fun afternoon with family & friends.
Our Bottle and Can Drive is ongoing behind the old Bailey’s Garage building. Drop off your empties to help benefit the Parade. If you’re lucky you might even catch a glimpse of St. Patrick!
If you would like to join us to march contact Jack’s cell 781-771-4085 or home 781-878-7785 or email
Thank you from the Abington St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee.

Abington St. Patrick's Day Parade 2025

Checkout all the Saint Patrick’s Day events South Shore Boston

Some places to park!  Remember roads close early at noon time

Abington Dental corner of route 18 and Shaw Ave

North School on Adams Street. You can park in the parking lot there

Beaver Brook before roads close at noon

Santander Bank Branch parking lot

Abington High/middle school

First Baptist Church on Route 58 right near the end of the parade will have restrooms open

Park at Saint Bridget’s then walk down-you will avoid traffic at the end of the parade

The Annual Abington St. Patrick’s Day parade started in a rather unusual way. It was as a result of a $10 bet between Jack Bailey and one of his employees. He made a bet that there would be a St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Abington on March 17, 1980. His intent was to decorate his trucks drive them around the block and collect his $10. However, word traveled. Then police Chief, Eddie Murphy asked to be grand marshal, he spread the word, got a permit from the Board of Selectmen, and on March 17 a line of over 50 Abington Residents and businesses with decorated vehicles traveled the length of Abington in the first Abington St. Patrick’s Day Parade. For many years the parade was held on March 17 regardless of the day of the week on which it fell. All of the mid week parades were entirely motorized. Once the 17th came on a weekend bands were hired and the parade became a marching parade. The marching parades became so popular that today all of the parades are marching parades and are held on Sundays. Awards are given for Best Decorated Car, Truck, Float, Best Use of Imagination, Most Spirited, and Best Color guard.