Parks and Nature

Common Boston Pests

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Pests are everywhere. No matter which climate you live in, whether you’re in an urban or rural area, there are always going to be species of wild animals trying to become your newest housemates. Boston is no different. But what makes Boston different from other parts of the country pest-wise is the species here. In Boston, a relatively cold, wet climate, the pests trying to make their way into homes are different from the pests in Subtropical Florida or those in the dry desert out west.

Below are a few of the most common pests in Boston. Take note of each species’ signs of infestation, because detecting an infestation early can help you eradicate it more easily and thoroughly.

Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders are so named because they’re large and hairy. Though a wolf spider’s bite doesn’t have life-threatening consequences for humans, you still don’t want to get close enough to one of these guys to get bitten.


Wolf spiders burrow under floorboards and in piles of soil and firewood. The primary sign of a wolf spider infestation is any sign that points to their activity, like specks of dirt tracked across the floor by their eight legs or burrows in your garden.


Pavement Ants


Pavement ants are small black and brown ants that live on and under sidewalks, patios, and driveways. They are nuisance pests that can get into food storage and consume food. Signs of a pavement ant infestation are:

  • Piles of material the ants have excavated; and
  • Worker ants walking into cracks in the sidewalk or patio.

Originally from Europe, pavement ant scan now be found across the United States.



Millipedes are many-legged arthropods that leave a foul-smelling, toxic substance on every surface they touch. The only sign of a millipede infestation a homeowner can really recognize is seeing one or more millipedes in his or her home.


House Crickets


House crickets can be loud and destructive, chewing holes in textiles and staining floors and furniture with their droppings and urine. Signs of a house cricket infestation include:

  • Hearing cricket chirps, high-pitched sounds the crickets make by rubbing their legs together, in your home;
  • Feces and urine stains on fabrics in your home; and
  • Holes in fabric.


It’s also not uncommon to find mice – and their larger cousins, rats – infesting Boston homes. Signs of a mouse infestation include:

  • Gnaw marks on wooden trim, wooden furniture, and food packaging;
  • Mouse droppings;
  • The sound of rodents scampering behind your walls; and
  • The smell of urine.

Mice can undermine your home’s structure, destroy your possessions, and introduce parasites into your home.


Take your Home Back from the Pests with an Experienced Boston Pest Control Professional


You shouldn’t have to live with pests in your home. If you suspect you are living with an infestation, or if you know there are pests in your home, contact our team of experienced pest control professionals at Rove Pest Control today to set up your initial consultation with us and determine the best course of action for your home.