2024 South Shore Boston 4th of July Fireworks and Celebrations
Here are the July 4th fireworks South of Boston and on the South shore for 2023 ! More events will be added-if you know of fireworks or town celebrations please share them on our facebook page.
check out the cheap summer fun guide for South Shore Boston
if you are on the Cape check out their fireworks
Day by day Fireworks
Upcoming fireworks season 2024 for July 4th and more
Saturday June 8th
Abington Celebrates Summer fireworks June 8th
Saturday June 15th
Quincy flag day fireworks Rockland day fireworks
Saturday June 22nd
Milton , Hanover
Saturday June 29th
Braintree, Halifax
Sunday June 3oth
Tuesday July 2nd
Cohasset, Patriot Place Stoughton
Wednesday July 3rd
Weymouth, Sharon Randolph
Thursday July 4th
Bridgewater,, Plymouth, New Bedford, Fall River
Friday July 5th
4th of July Parades
Saturday June 29th
Braintree 1145pm
Wednesday July 3rd
Randolph 7pm
Thursday July 4th
Hingham 10am
Plymouth 10am
Bridgewater 10am
Squantum Quincy 10am
Stoughton 10am
Merrymount Quincy 12pm
Duxbury 2pm
Celebrate America’s Independence with a 25-minute laser show in lieu of fireworks this July 6th! Friendlier to neighbors, pets and the environment, the lights will dazzle you as they play over the Attleboro High School Football Field. Gates open at 7 PM, so come early to enjoy food trucks, music and activities. Sit on the bleachers, or directly on the field with a blanket (please no yard chairs on the football field!), the show starts at 9 PM.
While lasers are a little bit less scary for our furry friends, we ask that you leave your pets at home for this public event for the safety of attendees and the field. The event is rain-or-shine.
We have an abundance of parking! You can find a spot in the surrounding Attleboro Public School lots (Brennan, Studley, or Attleboro High School), in the Highland Park Lot on Rathbun, or even park at the Capron Park Zoo and walk through the Sweet Forest to the event. We hope you enjoy this first-time event to celebrate the 4th!
Braintree MA 4th of July Celebration Saturday June 29th
Kick back and set up your lawn chair starting at the RMV, heading north on Washington St., ending at the Hollis School 482 Washington St.!
A celebration at Braintree High School fields begins at 4pm , featuring food, a drum corps exhibition, and a live music starting at 4 pm. .Fireworks at 930am
Bridgewater MA fireworks 4th of July carnival and celebration
ALL EVENTS ARE HELD On Thursday July 4th
PARADE – Downtown – 10:00 AM
Festival Location: Bridgewater Middle School Grounds
10:00AM-3:00PM (immediately after parade)
FIREWORKS – Legion Field (Rte. 18) – 9:30 PM Rain Date is July 5th!
Canton 4th of July celebration & fireworks
Sunday June 30th at the Irish Cultural center there
Cohasset Community Fireworks
Cohasset Community Fireworks will take place on July 2 Fireworks will begin at 9:15 p.m. at Sandy Beach. Because of the anticipated crowds and for everyone’s safety, there will be a number of road closures and areas where parking will NOT be allowed. There will be no parking in the Sandy Beach parking lot. Due to Piping Plovers, no dogs will be allowed on Sandy Beach
Where to Park:
Town Hall Parking Lot
Village Parking Lot
High School Parking Lot
Free Transportation:
Pick up at Cohasset High School and at the Corner of South Main St. and Depot Ct.
Free Bus Transportation to and from Sandy Beach will start at 6:30 P.M.
Buses will run before and after the fireworks
Bus transportation will be suspended during the fireworks show
The sandbar at sandy beach will be open on July 2nd from 11am-4:30. We will close for an hour and reopen at 5:30 until the conclusion of the fireworks. From 5:30-7:30 we will be offering a lobster roll special which includes lemonade and chips for $25. Please pre-order to ensure inventory (text Fiona your name and how many to 617-347-6725). We will also have grilled cheese and plenty of barrel dips, chips, snacks, drinks and ICE CREAM! So come down and enjoy the great forecast and fireworks show!
Duxbury 4th of July celebration
July 4, 2024 – Starts at 2:00 PM
The Independence Day Parade starts in Duxbury’s Halls Corner and travels down Washington Street to the Duxbury Middle/High School. Prizes are awarded for community floats. Free admission.
Hanover Day Fireworks
Hanover will have it Fireworks celebration on Saturday June 22nd at 9:15pm at Sylvester Field on Route 139
Halifax Fireworks
Halifax will be hosting a family fun evening on Saturday June 29th with the evening ending in fireworks behind the Hops playground. The Event begins at 5pm and fireworks will go off around 9pm
Hingham MA Independence Day parade
Hingham 4th of July Parade Committee
July 4th at 10:00 AM
July 4th Parade in Hingham
Community Celebration & Fireworks There are currently no planned fireworks in Hingham for the 4th of July.
No official fireworks but several families have put on fireworks on July 3rd/4th where you can see them from Brant Rock, Rexhame and Green Harbor beaches
Milton Musical Festival
Fireworks are part of the Milton Music fest on Saturday evening June 22nd
Middleboro Carnival & Fireworks
Friday July 5th Open 6pm-11pm ( FIREWORKS @ 10pm)
New Bedford fireworks
Tuesday July 4th 9:00 PM Barge in New Bedford Harbor – 7 Fish Island
Plymouth MA firework and 4th of July celebration
Plymouth 4th of July Parade
9:00 am start
From Cordage Park, 10 Cordage Park Circle –
Alden Park (burgers, fries, sandwiches and more)
Mom’s on the Go (gourmet grilled cheese)
Novelty items as well as popcorn and cotton candy will be available throughout the day and evening from our roaming vendors.
9:00 pm / Dusk – DCR Pilgrim Memorial State Park
Patriot Place Foxboro
Patriot Place announced today that the shopping, dining and entertainment destination will host a patriotic fireworks display and festivities on Thursday, July 6. The Dean College Stage will feature live entertainment from local band CarTune Heroes before the evening culminates in a robust fireworks spectacular beginning at approximately 9:15 p.m.
Quincy Fireworks
waiting for 2024 confirmation of July 4th there are fireworks for flag day on June 15th
In recognition of the rich history of the city, its roots in American politics, and its famous residents’ contributions to shaping the beginnings of the United States, Hynes Restaurant Group, alongside Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch, are proud to announce that the pyrotechnics show will launch from a barge in Town River Bay at 9:15pm allowing for maximum viewing from many vantage points citywide including, but not limited to, Wollaston Beach Germantown, Quincy Point, Merrymount, Hough’s Neck and the Fore River Bridge area adjacent to North Weymouth.
Randolph 4th of July parade & fireworks
July 3rd parade: Great Moments in American History will be filled with floats, bands and patriotism. The parade kicks off at 7pm from Boston Higashi school to North Crawford square
Fireworks are back for 2024 will be a launched at 9pm from Randolph High school
From Randolph Police Department
Effective 4:00pm there will be NO parking on North Main Street. Vehicles left on North Main Street after 4:00pm will be towed at the owner’s expense.
At 6:00pm North Main Street will be closed between Oak Street and Crawford Square. Barricades will be in place and there will be no vehicular access to North Main Street between Oak Street and Crawford Square until the parade ends at approximately 8:30pm.
At the conclusion of the parade, North Main Street will reopen to vehicular traffic. However, several downtown side streets and parking lots will remain closed until the evening’s events have concluded and traffic has cleared.
-Diauto Drive will be closed including access to the parking lots off Frank Leary Way (Rockland Trust/Subway Plaza/Randolph Package Store).
-Memorial Parkway will be closed in both directions. Spectators may access the Shaw’s Plaza lot via Highland Avenue. There will be no parking in either Randolph High School parking lots.
-Donald McNeil Way and Turner Drive will be shut down and the Turner Free Library, Town Hall, and Police Department lots will be inaccessible.
-The Stetson Hall lot will be closed and inaccessible.
At approximately 9:00pm the fireworks display will begin. As usual, the fireworks will be launched from the Randolph High School field with an exclusion zone in place.
-At approximately 9:30pm the fireworks display will conclude. Officers will be assigned to various posts in the downtown area to assist in clearing vehicles and pedestrians from the area as quickly and safely as possible. We ask that you please be patient during this time as traffic volumes are expected to be greater than normal. Together we can make this a great night for Randolph!
Rockland Day Fireworks
Fireworks will be on Saturday June 15th as part of the Rockland Day celebration
Sharon fireworks
fireworks, food trucks and music start at 4pm fireworks at 915pm on July 3rd
Stoughton fireworks
Tuesday July 2nd fireworks around 9pm
Thursday July 4th, starting at 10 am
Where: Park Street – 128 through Town Center – ending at 128/Central
Weymouth 4th of July fireworks and family celebration
July 3rd
The annual Weymouth Fourth of July event will be held on July 3rd at the George Lane Beach in North Weymouth. Attracting a record crowd each year, the event will feature musical groups, novelty vendors, moon walk structures for children and food trucks featuring a wide array of food choices. The highlight of the event is the fireworks display conducted over Weymouth’s waterfront at approximately 9:30pm.
There will be a free shuttle service from the McCulloch Building/Whipple Senior Center, 182 Green Street, starting at 5:00p.m. Returning trips will start after the fireworks display.
Whitman 4th of July Family Day

Secret Spots to watch Boston POPs Esplanade Fireworks on July 4th
Arnold Arboretum — Over in Jamaica Plain, grab a blanket and head to the top of Peter’s Hill in the Arboretum to peep the fireworks show far away from the Esplanade crowds.
Castle Island — Venture out to Castle Island. The park overlooks the Boston Harbor, and if its a clear night, you’ll be able to see other towns’ fireworks along with Boston’s own show on the Esplanade.
Great Prospect Hill in Weymouth
Hutchinson Field in Milton has an ok view
Faulkner Hospital roof top