Preschoolers, Toddlers & Little Kids Events South Shore Boston Sept 16th Week 2024
What to do with the little kids this week for this September week We got all the fun activities’ and events! From captivating story hours to colorful arts and crafts, interactive playdates to outdoor adventures, our preschooler & toddler calendar is a gateway to a vibrant world of growth and development for your kids
Most of the library events are open to non residents! Chose a different Storytime or playtime in a different town if registration is needed we will let you know
See our Playground video tours here
Are you looking for Fall programs
Sports Programs South Shore Sports Center Hingham got tot programs
Code Wiz Quincy & Hanover After school classes open house on 9/7
Cheer Factor Hanover & Norton See their fall program
Coastal Kids Learning Small group class for young learners age 2-5 who have not entered full-time school in Duxbury The session will focus on age appropriate academics, social and emotional learning practices and confidence building
Sing Explore Create Hanover Music Therapy and Creative Arts Wellness for all phases of life
Monday September 16th things to do South Shore Boston MA
East Bridgewater Library Messy Mondays 9am-12pm Join us for some messy fun! Sensory bin free play, 9:00-12:00. All ages, no registration. Caregiver supervision required. Repeats thru the end of October for Columbus day
Little Hands Crafts Corner and Playspace Hanover Open play 9-1pm
Kidz World North Attleboro 930am-8pm open play
Maplewood Easton Indoor/Outdoor Playground open play 930-12pm & 130-5pm
Hanover Library 10:15am Story Time for 3- and 4-year-olds
Picture books, big books, flannel board stories, rhymes with movement, and more repeats weekly thru Nov 4th except for columbus day

Rockland Library Tots & Tunes 103am
Please join us for stories, songs, flanne lboard stories and stamps. This program is geared for babies and toddlers ages 0-3. Older children and siblings are welcome. No registration is required. Repeats weekly except for Monday holidays thru Dec 16th
THIS IS a game-changing Stuffed Animal Organizer that every MOM has been dreaming of!
Abignton Library Toddler drop in storytime & play 1030am Join Miss Sandy (or Miss Heidi, or Mrs. Grimmett) every Monday morning at 10:30 AM this fall for our drop-in toddler time program! Toddler Time is a 20-minute program consisting of short stories, songs, scarf waving, egg shaking, and a puppet visit. This program is best suited for children ages 0-3. Monday Drop-In Toddler Time is on any Monday we are open. Our Toddler Times are funded by the Friends of the Library.
Hanover Library 11am Patty-Cake for Babies Nursery rhymes with movement, board books, finger plays and more for babies newborn to 17 months with a parent/caregiver. Drop-in, no registration needed. repeats weekly thru Nov 4th except for columbus day
Tuesday September 17th things to do South Shore Boston MA
Little Hands Crafts Corner and Playspace Hanover Open play 9-1pm
Kidz World North Attleboro 930am-8pm open play
Maplewood Easton Indoor/Outdoor Playground open play 930-12pm & 130pm -5pm
Milton Library 10am & 1045am sections Ms. Tory’s Stories, Ages 0-5
Join Ms. Tory for a storytime full of music and dancing located in the Keys Room on the Lower Level of the Library. repeats thru Oct 22nd
Bridgewater library Special Story Time and Book Signing with Author Jessie Piltch-Loeb 10am Join us for a special multi-generational event and story time with author Jessie Piltch-Loeb as she reads her book What’s Going On with Papa Bear? with book signing to follow. Jessie Piltch-Loeb is a writer and artist based in the greater Boston area. She graduated from Lesley University with an MA in Expressive Arts Therapy, and is currently working towards her LMHC. An avid reader (and proud aunt of young kids), she spent her graduate years exploring the role of literature in healing, and aims now to foster understanding and validation through her work, particularly for children.
Braintree Library Train Track Time 10:15am
For train fans: we’ll have extra train tracks for children to build with, and extra trains to drive on them. Held in the Children’s Room.
Wiggleworms in the Garden Easton Library 1030am
Awestruck toddler, eyes filled with wonder, wearing butterfly wings
Best for mobile toddlers, Wiggleworms storytime features songs, rhymes, and a story or two to keep little ones engaged. This program meets every Tuesday at 10:30 AM in Queset Garden with Miss Alyisha. It runs for about 30 minutes. Don’t forget to bring your blanket (or chairs) and a light jacket. No registration required and all families are welcome! runs weekly thru the end of October In the event of rainy &/or soggy weather, storytime will meet in the Children’s Room
Pembroke Library storytime 2-5 ages 1030am Toddlers (ages 2 to 5) and their caregivers can enjoy an interactive storytime with songs, dances, and a story that encourage language development and social skills. Each themed storytime is followed by a craft. Repeats weekly thru Dec 17 2024
Small Singers and Shakers at Patriot Place Foxboro 11am Small Singers and Shakers is a music and movement class for children ages 0-5. Ms. Stacy will bring bells, shaker eggs, scarves, ducks and more to help make the songs come to life. She will play familiar songs on the guitar such as Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Happy and You Know It, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Freeze Dance and more to get the kids up moving and dancing.
CheerFactor Hanover Tuesday drop in : Preschool Tumble 11-11:45 AM | Open Play 12-1 PM
Hanson Library LEGO Builder Club (All Ages) 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
CALLING ALL MASTER BUILDERS! Join us to create and connect with new friends! Each week we will host a new theme and then display our works in the library lobby cases. The challenge this week: Is there anyplace you’d like to visit? Make a famous landmark! Drop in, preregistration not required. This is not a librarian led program. Young children must be supervised by an assigned caregiver at all times.
Yourigami play couch- it’s a nugget dupe.
Wednesday September 18th things to do South Shore Boston MA
Little Hands Crafts Corner and Playspace Hanover Open play 9-1pm
Kidz World North Attleboro 930am-8pm open play
Maplewood Easton Indoor/Outdoor Playground open play 930-12pm & 130-5pm
Hanson Library Community Helpers: Librarians (Ages 3-7) 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Learn about different people and jobs that help our community with our Community Helpers Storytime series! The community helper featured this week will be Librarian! Registration is required to ensure availability of supplies.
Very Hungry Caterpillar Party at East Bridgewater Library 1030am What to do?
Listen to a book or two Sing a song Enjoy our craft & activity stations
Check out a related book best for ages 2-5
Squish-A-Longs Pre-Orders! These have been selling super fast! They’re topping Amazon’s toy charts…
Alden House Duxbury tours 12pm
Kids eat Free at Barretts on Wednesdays
Kids Eat free at ocean’s grill in Marshfield on Wednesday
Quincy Library Preschool Discovery @Adams Shore – Ages 3-5 3pm
Drop by the Adams Shore Library with your preschooler, ages 3-5, any time between 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to do some fun simple science together. Activities, experiments and instructions will be provided for science you can do with your child. Each month activities, experiments and instructions will be provided on a different science topic you can do with your child. In September learn about animals! Look at paw prints, sort some animals and find out what keeps animals warm in cold water
Thursday September 19th things to do South Shore Boston MA
Little Hands Crafts Corner and Playspace Hanover Open play 9-1pm
Kidz World North Attleboro 930am-8pm open play
Maplewood Easton Indoor/Outdoor Playground open play 930-12pm & 130-5pm
Baby Sing and Play at West Bridgewater Library 10;15 This is a lap-sit program of music, movement and stories for babies birth to 24 months. Registration now required repeats thru 10/3
Baby Lapsit babies to 2 yr old Pembroke Library 1030am Designed for babies and toddlers from 6 to 24 months, Lapsits are a great chance for caregivers to bond with their child. Each 30-minute program includes stretches, songs, and rhymes followed by an open play time that allows babies to play and grown-ups to chat. repeats thru Dec 19th except for Thanksgiving
Storytime with Officer Campbell and Roxy, The Comfort Dog at Halifax Library
EARLY LEARNING BALANCE BIKE – A fun way to introduce small toddlers to riding bicycles 27% off great reviews
Alden House Duxbury tours 12pm
Storytime in the Halloron Park Stoughton 1030am repeats weekly until the end of Sept
Wonder Days at Whitman Library 11am repeats weekly thru October 10th Come to the library for stories, songs and a craft followed by open playtime. Best for ages 2-6
Food Trucks Thursdays Kingston MA 2023 4pm
We will be publishing our weekend calendars today as well!
Friday September 20th things to do South Shore Boston MA
Little Hands Crafts Corner and Playspace Hanover Open play 9-1pm
East Bridgewater Library LEGO FREE PLAY! All day Fridays (9:00-4:45)
All ages welcome! No registration. Drop in. Come be creative at the library! run weekly thru the end of December
Kidz World North Attleboro 930am-8pm open play
this is expected to the top toy for the holiday season Little Live My Really Real Puppy
Maplewood Easton Indoor/Outdoor Playground open play 930-12pm & 130-5pm
Braintree Library Playroom Drop in Playgroup 10am Families and caregivers may stop in on Fridays anytime between 10:00 am and noon for informal fun with other young children. Little ones, ages infant to four, can enjoy Duplos, extra Train Tracks and Train Table , MagnaTiles, and puzzles.
Hanson Library Music & Movement with Miss Kate (Ages 0-3)
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Drop in for Music & Movement with Miss Kate!
Alden House Duxbury tours 12pm
Boston Lights at Franklin Park Zoo 6pm