
Day 21 High Speed Catamaran to Boston Quincy

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I know what you’re thinking: It’s a boat. It’s way more. This is fun, comfortable fun. Comfortable fun with a snack bar/bar. You board over by the USS Salem in Quincy. The ride in is chock full of sights and sensations. Watch the various sailboats, pleasure craft and commercial shipping as you zip from place to place on your way in. Take in the advancing skyline. Head up on the top deck to feel the wind and spray. Mighty nice on a hot Spring/Summer day. You can choose to stay inside the enclosed lower deck and enjoy a quiet conversation and drink or snackie from the bar. Which ever you decide, you’ll bask in the anticipation as you close in on Boston’s Waterfront and a buzzillion thing’s to do. (too bad that’s not on the South Shore.)

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